Bivariate copula models

Bivariate copula models are implemented as the Bicop class, and BicopFamily is a closely related enum class describing the type or "family" of copula. To use bivariate copula models in your code, include the header vinecopulib/bicop/class.hpp (or simply vinecopulib.hpp) at the top of your source file.

Implemented bivariate copula families

Student tstudent
NonparametricTransformation kerneltll

Note that several convenience vectors of families are included in the sub-namespace bicop_families:

  • all contains all the families
  • parametric contains the parametric families (all except tll)
  • nonparametric contains the nonparametric families (indep and tll)
  • one_par contains the parametric families with a single parameter (gaussian, clayton, gumbel, frank, and joe)
  • two_par contains the parametric families with two parameters (student, bb1, bb6, bb7, and bb8)
  • three_par contains the parametric families with three parameters (tawn)
  • elliptical contains the elliptical families
  • archimedean contains the archimedean families
  • extreme_value contains the extreme-value families (gumbel, tawn)
  • bb contains the BB families
  • itau families for which estimation by Kendall's tau inversion is available (indep,gaussian, student,clayton, gumbel, frank, joe)
// print all available families
std::cout << "Available families : ";
for (auto family : vinecopulib::bicop_families::all) {
        std::cout << get_family_name(family) << " ";

Set up a custom bivariate copula model

There are essentially two ways of setting-up bivariate copulas:

  • with known parameters,
  • from data (i.e., with estimated parameters).

The constructor with known parameters takes 3 arguments:

  • The copula family (default to indep)
  • The rotation (default to 0)
  • The parameters (default to parameters corresponding to an independence copula)
// 90 degree rotated Clayton with default parameter (corresponds to independence)
Bicop clayton(BicopFamily::clayton, 90);

// Gauss copula with parameter 0.5
Bicop gauss(BicopFamily::gaussian, 0,  Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(1, 0.5));

The constructor from data takes the same arguments as the select method and is described in the next section.

Fit and select a bivariate copula

You can either fit the parameters of a given Bicop object with fit() or select the best fitting model from a set of families with select().

create a Gauss copula with parameter 0.5 and simulate 1e3 observations
Bicop model(BicopFamily::gaussian, 0,  Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(1, 0.5));
auto data = model.simulate(1e3);

instantiate a gaussian copula with default parameters and fit to data
Bicop fitted(BicopFamily::gaussian);;
std::cout <<
       "estimated parameter: " <<
       fitted.get_parameters() <<

assign another family to the same variable and fit to data
fitted = Bicop(BicopFamily::student);;
std::cout <<
       "estimated parameter: " <<
       fitted.get_parameters() <<

alternatively, assign to a family and fit automatically;
std::cout <<
       "family: " << fitted.get_family_name() <<
       "rotation: " <<  fitted.get_rotation() <<

As it's arguably the most important function of the Bicop class, it's worth understanding the second argument of select(), namely an object of the class FitControlsBicop, which contain several data members:

  • std::vector<BicopFamily> family_set describes the set of family to select from. It can take a user specified vector of families or any of those mentioned above (default is bicop_families::all).
  • std::string parametric_method describes the estimation method. It can take "mle" (default, for maximum-likelihood estimation) and "itau" (for Kendall's tau inversion, although only available for families included in bicop_families::itau).
  • std::string nonparametric_method describes the degree of the density approximation for the transformation kernel estimator. It can take constant (default), linear and quadratic for approximations of degree zero, one and two.
  • double nonparametric_mult a factor with which the smoothing parameters are multiplied.
  • std::string selection_criterion describes the criterion to compare the families. It can take either "loglik", "aic", or "bic"(default).
  • Eigen::VectorXd weights an optional vector of weights for the observations.
  • bool preselect_families describes a heuristic preselection method (default is true) based on symmetry properties of the data (e.g., the unrotated Clayton won't be preselected if the data displays upper-tail dependence).
  • size_t num_threads number of threads to run in parallel when fitting several families.

As mentioned above, the arguments of select() can be used as arguments to a constructor allowing to instantiate a new object directly:

// instantiate an archimedean copula by selecting the "best" family according to
// the BIC and parameters corresponding to the MLE
Bicop best_archimedean(data, FitControlsBicop(bicop_families::archimedean));
std::cout <<
       "family: " << best_archimedean.get_family_name() <<
       "rotation: " <<  best_archimedean.get_rotation() <<
       best_archimedean.get_parameters() <<

// instantiate a bivariate copula by selecting the "best" family according to
// the AIC and parameters corresponding to Kendall's tau inversion
FitControlsBicop controls(bicop_families::itau, "itau");
Bicop best_itau(data, controls));
std::cout <<
       "family: " << best_itau.get_family_name() <<
       "rotation: " <<  best_itau.get_rotation() <<
       best_itau.get_parameters() <<

Work with a bivariate copula model

You can simulate from a model and evaluate the pdf, h-functions, inverse h-functions, log-likelihood, AIC, and BIC.

// Gauss copula with parameter 0.5
Bicop bicop(BicopFamily::gaussian, 0,  Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(1, 0.5));

// Simulate 100 observations
auto sim_data = bicop.simulate(100);

// Evaluate the pdf
auto pdf  = bicop.pdf(sim_data);

// Evaluate the two h-functions
auto h1   = bicop.hfunc1(sim_data);
auto h2   = bicop.hfunc2(sim_data);

// Evalute the two inverse h-functions
auto hi1  = bicop.hinv1(sim_data);
auto hi2  = bicop.hinv2(sim_data);

// Evaluate the log-likelihood, AIC, and BIC
auto ll   = bicop.loglik(sim_data);
auto aic  = bicop.aic(sim_data);
auto bic  = bicop.bic(sim_data);

Bivariate copula models can also be written to and constructed from JSON files and nlohmann::json objects:

// Gauss copula with parameter 0.5
Bicop bicop(BicopFamily::gaussian, 0,  Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(1, 0.5));

// Save as a nlohmann::json object
nlohmann::json bicop_json = bicop.to_json();

// Write into a JSON file
std::string filename = "myfile.json"
std::ofstream file(myfile);
file << bicop_json << std::endl;

// Equivalently

// Then a new Bicop can be constructed from the nlohmann::json object
Bicop bicop2(bicop_json);

// Or from the JSON file
Bicop bicop3(std::string("myfile.json"));