vinecopulib::Bicop class

A class for bivariate copula models.

The model is fully characterized by the family, rotation (one of 0, 90, 180, 270), a matrix of parameters, and variable types (two strings, one for each variable, either "c" for continuous or "d" for discrete).

Implemented families (see BicopFamily):

| type          | full name             | string identifier     |
| -             | Independence          | "indep"               |
| Elliptical    | Gaussian              | "gaussian"            |
|               | Student t             | "student"             |
| Archimedean   | Clayton               | "clayton"             |
|               | Gumbel                | "gumbel"              |
|               | Frank                 | "frank"               |
|               | Joe                   | "joe"                 |
|               | Clayton-Gumbel (BB1)  | "bb1"                 |
|               | Joe-Gumbel (BB6)      | "bb6"                 |
|               | Joe-Clayton (BB7)     | "bb7"                 |
|               | Joe-Frank (BB8)       | "bb8"                 |
| Extreme-Value | Tawn                  | "tawn"                |
| Nonparametric | Transformation kernel | "tll"                 |

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Bicop(const BicopFamily family = BicopFamily::indep, const int rotation = 0, const Eigen::MatrixXd& parameters = Eigen::MatrixXd(), const std::vector<std::string>& var_types = { "c", "c" })
Instantiates a specific bivariate copula model.
Bicop(const Eigen::MatrixXd& data, const FitControlsBicop& controls = FitControlsBicop(), const std::vector<std::string>& var_types = { "c", "c" }) explicit
Instantiates from data.
Bicop(const Bicop& other)
Copy constructor (deep copy)
Bicop(const std::string& filename) explicit
Instantiates from a JSON file.
Bicop(const nlohmann::json& input) explicit
Instantiates from a nlohmann::json object.

Public functions

auto operator=(Bicop other) -> Bicop&
Copy assignment operator (deep copy)
auto to_json() const -> nlohmann::json
Convert the copula into a nlohmann::json object.
void to_file(const std::string& filename) const
Write the copula object into a JSON file.
auto get_npars() const -> double
The number of parameters of the copula model.
auto pdf(const Eigen::MatrixXd& u) const -> Eigen::VectorXd
Evaluates the copula density.
auto cdf(const Eigen::MatrixXd& u) const -> Eigen::VectorXd
Evaluates the copula distribution.
auto hfunc1(const Eigen::MatrixXd& u) const -> Eigen::VectorXd
Evaluates the first h-function.
auto hfunc2(const Eigen::MatrixXd& u) const -> Eigen::VectorXd
Evaluates the second h-function.
auto hinv1(const Eigen::MatrixXd& u) const -> Eigen::VectorXd
Evaluates the inverse of the first h-function.
auto hinv2(const Eigen::MatrixXd& u) const -> Eigen::VectorXd
Evaluates the inverse of the second h-function.
auto simulate(const size_t& n, const bool qrng = false, const std::vector<int>& seeds = std::vector<int>()) const -> Eigen::MatrixXd
Simulates from a bivariate copula.
void fit(const Eigen::MatrixXd& data, const FitControlsBicop& controls = FitControlsBicop())
Fits a bivariate copula (with fixed family) to data.
void select(const Eigen::MatrixXd& data, FitControlsBicop controls = FitControlsBicop())
Selects the best fitting model.
auto loglik(const Eigen::MatrixXd& u = Eigen::MatrixXd()) const -> double
Evaluates the log-likelihood.
auto aic(const Eigen::MatrixXd& u = Eigen::MatrixXd()) const -> double
Evaluates the Akaike information criterion (AIC).
auto bic(const Eigen::MatrixXd& u = Eigen::MatrixXd()) const -> double
Evaluates the Bayesian information criterion (BIC).
auto mbic(const Eigen::MatrixXd& u = Eigen::MatrixXd(), const double psi0 = 0.9) const -> double
Evaluates the modified Bayesian information criterion (mBIC).
auto parameters_to_tau(const Eigen::MatrixXd& parameters) const -> double
Converts the copula parameters to Kendall's $ tau $ .
auto tau_to_parameters(const double& tau) const -> Eigen::MatrixXd
Converts a Kendall's $ \tau $ into copula parameters for one-parameter families.

Getters and setters

auto get_family() const -> BicopFamily
Gets the copula family.
auto get_family_name() const -> std::string
Gets the copula family as a string.
auto get_rotation() const -> int
Gets the rotation.
auto get_parameters() const -> Eigen::MatrixXd
Gets the parameters.
auto get_tau() const -> double
Gets the Kendall's tau.
auto get_loglik() const -> double
Gets the log-likelihood (only for fitted objects).
auto get_nobs() const -> size_t
Gets the number of observations (only for fitted objects).
auto get_aic() const -> double
Gets the aic (only for fitted objects).
auto get_bic() const -> double
Gets the bic (only for fitted objects).
auto get_mbic(const double psi0 = 0.9) const -> double
Gets the modified bic (only for fitted objects).
void set_rotation(const int rotation)
Sets the rotation.
void set_var_types(const std::vector<std::string>& var_types = { "c", "c" })
Sets variable types.
auto get_var_types() const -> std::vector<std::string>
Gets variable types.


useful functions for bivariate copulas

auto str() const -> std::string
Summarizes the model into a string (can be used for printing).
void flip()
Adjusts the copula model to a change in the variable order.
auto get_parameters_lower_bounds() const -> Eigen::MatrixXd
Gets lower bounds for copula parameters.
auto get_parameters_upper_bounds() const -> Eigen::MatrixXd
Gets upper bounds for copula parameters.

Function documentation

vinecopulib::Bicop::Bicop(const BicopFamily family = BicopFamily::indep, const int rotation = 0, const Eigen::MatrixXd& parameters = Eigen::MatrixXd(), const std::vector<std::string>& var_types = { "c", "c" })

Instantiates a specific bivariate copula model.

family The copula family.
rotation The rotation of the copula; one of 0, 90, 180, or 270 (for Independence, Gaussian, Student, Frank, and nonparametric families, only 0 is allowed).
parameters The copula parameters.
var_types Two strings specifying the types of the variables, e.g., ("c", "d") means first variable continuous, second discrete.

vinecopulib::Bicop::Bicop(const Eigen::MatrixXd& data, const FitControlsBicop& controls = FitControlsBicop(), const std::vector<std::string>& var_types = { "c", "c" }) explicit

Instantiates from data.

data See Bicop::select().
controls See Bicop::select().
var_types Two strings specifying the types of the variables, e.g., ("c", "d") means first variable continuous, second discrete.

Equivalent to creating a default Bicop() and then selecting the model using Bicop::select().

vinecopulib::Bicop::Bicop(const Bicop& other)

Copy constructor (deep copy)

other Bicop object to copy.

vinecopulib::Bicop::Bicop(const std::string& filename) explicit

Instantiates from a JSON file.

filename The name of the JSON file to read.

The input file contains four attributes: "fam", "rot", "par", "vt" respectively a string for the family name, an integer for the rotation, and a numeric matrix for the parameters, and a list of two strings for the variable types.

vinecopulib::Bicop::Bicop(const nlohmann::json& input) explicit

Instantiates from a nlohmann::json object.

input The nlohmann::json object to convert from (see to_json() for the structure of the input).

Bicop& vinecopulib::Bicop::operator=(Bicop other)

Copy assignment operator (deep copy)

other Bicop object to copy.

nlohmann::json vinecopulib::Bicop::to_json() const

Convert the copula into a nlohmann::json object.

Returns The nlohmann::json object containing the copula.

The nlohmann::json is contains of three values named "fam", "rot", "par", "vt", respectively a string for the family name, an integer for the rotation, a numeric matrix for the parameters and a list of two strings for the variables types.

void vinecopulib::Bicop::to_file(const std::string& filename) const

Write the copula object into a JSON file.

filename The name of the file to write.

The written file contains four attributes: "fam", "rot", "par", "vt", "nobs", "ll", "npars" respectively a string for the family name, an integer for the rotation, and a numeric matrix for the parameters, a list of two strings for the variable types, an integer for the number of observations (if fitted), a double for the log-likelihood (if fitted), and a double for the number of parameters (can be non-integer in nonparametric models).

double vinecopulib::Bicop::get_npars() const

The number of parameters of the copula model.

Returns the actual number of parameters for parameteric families. For nonparametric families, there is a conceptually similar definition in the sense that it can be used in the calculation of fit statistics.

Eigen::VectorXd vinecopulib::Bicop::pdf(const Eigen::MatrixXd& u) const

Evaluates the copula density.

u An $ n \times (2 + k) $ matrix of observations contained in $(0, 1) $ , where $ k $ is the number of discrete variables.
Returns A length n vector of copula densities evaluated at u.

The copula density is defined as joint density divided by marginal densities, irrespective of variable types.

When at least one variable is discrete, more than two columns are required for u: the first $ n \times 2 $ block contains realizations of $ (F_{X_1}(x_1), F_{X_2}(x_2)) $ . The second $ n \times 2 $ block contains realizations of $ (F_{X_1}(x_1^-), F_{X_2}(x_2^-)) $ . The minus indicates a left-sided limit of the cdf. For, e.g., an integer-valued variable, it holds $ F_{X_1}(x_1^-) = F_{X_1}(x_1 - 1) $ . For continuous variables the left limit and the cdf itself coincide. Respective columns can be omitted in the second block.

Eigen::VectorXd vinecopulib::Bicop::cdf(const Eigen::MatrixXd& u) const

Evaluates the copula distribution.

u An $ n \times (2 + k) $ matrix of observations contained in $(0, 1) $ , where $ k $ is the number of discrete variables.
Returns A length n vector of copula probabilities evaluated at u.

When at least one variable is discrete, more than two columns are required for u: the first $ n \times 2 $ block contains realizations of $ (F_{X_1}(x_1), F_{X_2}(x_2)) $ . The second $ n \times 2 $ block contains realizations of $ (F_{X_1}(x_1^-), F_{X_2}(x_2^-)) $ . The minus indicates a left-sided limit of the cdf. For, e.g., an integer-valued variable, it holds $ F_{X_1}(x_1^-) = F_{X_1}(x_1 - 1) $ . For continuous variables the left limit and the cdf itself coincide. Respective columns can be omitted in the second block.

Eigen::VectorXd vinecopulib::Bicop::hfunc1(const Eigen::MatrixXd& u) const

Evaluates the first h-function.

u An $ n \times (2 + k) $ matrix of observations contained in $(0, 1) $ , where $ k $ is the number of discrete variables.
Returns A length n vector of the first h-function evaluated at u.

The first h-function is $ h_1(u_1, u_2) = P(U_2 \le u_2 | U_1 = u_1) $ .

When at least one variable is discrete, more than two columns are required for u: the first $ n \times 2 $ block contains realizations of $ (F_{X_1}(x_1), F_{X_2}(x_2)) $ . The second $ n \times 2 $ block contains realizations of $ (F_{X_1}(x_1^-), F_{X_2}(x_2^-)) $ . The minus indicates a left-sided limit of the cdf. For, e.g., an integer-valued variable, it holds $ F_{X_1}(x_1^-) = F_{X_1}(x_1 - 1) $ . For continuous variables the left limit and the cdf itself coincide. Respective columns can be omitted in the second block.

Eigen::VectorXd vinecopulib::Bicop::hfunc2(const Eigen::MatrixXd& u) const

Evaluates the second h-function.

u An $ n \times (2 + k) $ matrix of observations contained in $(0, 1) $ , where $ k $ is the number of discrete variables.
Returns A length n vector of the second h-function evaluated at u.

The second h-function is $ h_2(u_1, u_2) = P(U_1 \le u_1 | U_2 = u_2) $ .

When at least one variable is discrete, more than two columns are required for u: the first $ n \times 2 $ block contains realizations of $ (F_{X_1}(x_1), F_{X_2}(x_2)) $ . The second $ n \times 2 $ block contains realizations of $ (F_{X_1}(x_1^-), F_{X_2}(x_2^-)) $ . The minus indicates a left-sided limit of the cdf. For, e.g., an integer-valued variable, it holds $ F_{X_1}(x_1^-) = F_{X_1}(x_1 - 1) $ . For continuous variables the left limit and the cdf itself coincide. Respective columns can be omitted in the second block.

Eigen::VectorXd vinecopulib::Bicop::hinv1(const Eigen::MatrixXd& u) const

Evaluates the inverse of the first h-function.

u An $ n \times (2 + k) $ matrix of observations contained in $(0, 1) $ , where $ k $ is the number of discrete variables.
Returns A length n vector of the inverse of the first h-function evaluated at u.

The first h-function is $ h_1(u_1, u_2) = P(U_2 \le u_2 | U_1 = u_1) $ . The inverse is calulated w.r.t. the second argument.

When at least one variable is discrete, more than two columns are required for u: the first $ n \times 2 $ block contains realizations of $ (F_{X_1}(x_1), F_{X_2}(x_2)) $ . The second $ n \times 2 $ block contains realizations of $ (F_{X_1}(x_1^-), F_{X_2}(x_2^-)) $ . The minus indicates a left-sided limit of the cdf. For, e.g., an integer-valued variable, it holds $ F_{X_1}(x_1^-) = F_{X_1}(x_1 - 1) $ . For continuous variables the left limit and the cdf itself coincide. Respective columns can be omitted in the second block.

Eigen::VectorXd vinecopulib::Bicop::hinv2(const Eigen::MatrixXd& u) const

Evaluates the inverse of the second h-function.

u An $ n \times (2 + k) $ matrix of observations contained in $(0, 1) $ , where $ k $ is the number of discrete variables.
Returns A length n vector of the inverse of the second h-function evaluated at u.

The second h-function is $ h_2(u_1, u_2) = P(U_1 \le u_1 | U_2 = u_2) $ . The inverse is calculated w.r.t. the first argument.

When at least one variable is discrete, more than two columns are required for u: the first $ n \times 2 $ block contains realizations of $ (F_{X_1}(x_1), F_{X_2}(x_2)) $ . The second $ n \times 2 $ block contains realizations of $ (F_{X_1}(x_1^-), F_{X_2}(x_2^-)) $ . The minus indicates a left-sided limit of the cdf. For, e.g., an integer-valued variable, it holds $ F_{X_1}(x_1^-) = F_{X_1}(x_1 - 1) $ . For continuous variables the left limit and the cdf itself coincide. Respective columns can be omitted in the second block.

Eigen::MatrixXd vinecopulib::Bicop::simulate(const size_t& n, const bool qrng = false, const std::vector<int>& seeds = std::vector<int>()) const

Simulates from a bivariate copula.

n Number of observations.
qrng Set to true for quasi-random numbers.
seeds Seeds of the (quasi-)random number generator; if empty (default), the (quasi-)random number generator is seeded randomly.
Returns An $ n \times 2 $ matrix of samples from the copula model.

If qrng = TRUE, generalized Halton sequences are used. For more information on Generalized Halton sequences, see Faure, H., Lemieux, C. (2009). Generalized Halton Sequences in 2008: A Comparative Study. ACM-TOMACS 19(4), Article 15.

void vinecopulib::Bicop::fit(const Eigen::MatrixXd& data, const FitControlsBicop& controls = FitControlsBicop())

Fits a bivariate copula (with fixed family) to data.

data An $ n \times (2 + k) $ matrix of observations contained in $(0, 1) $ , where $ k $ is the number of discrete variables.
controls The controls (see FitControlsBicop).

For parametric models, two different methods are available. "mle" fits the parameters by maximum-likelihood. "itau" uses inversion of Kendall's $ \tau $ , but is only available for one-parameter families and the Student t copula. For the latter, there is a one-to-one transformation for the first parameter, the second is found by profile likelihood optimization (with accuracy of at least 0.5). Nonparametric families have specialized methods, no specification is required.

When at least one variable is discrete, two types of "observations" are required: the first $ n \times 2 $ block contains realizations of $ F_{X_1}(X_1), F_{X_2}(X_2) $ . Let $ k $ denote the number of discrete variables (either one or two). Then the second $ n \times k $ block contains realizations of $ F_{X_k}(X_k^-) $ . The minus indicates a left-sided limit of the cdf. For continuous variables the left limit and the cdf itself coincide. For, e.g., an integer-valued variable, it holds $ F_{X_k}(X_k^-) = F_{X_k}(X_k - 1) $ .

Incomplete observations (i.e., ones with a NaN value) are discarded.

void vinecopulib::Bicop::select(const Eigen::MatrixXd& data, FitControlsBicop controls = FitControlsBicop())

Selects the best fitting model.

data An $ n \times (2 + k) $ matrix of observations contained in $(0, 1) $ , where $ k $ is the number of discrete variables.
controls The controls (see FitControlsBicop).

The function calls Bicop::fit() for all families in family_set and selecting the best fitting model by either BIC or AIC, see Bicop::bic() and Bicop::aic().

When at least one variable is discrete, two types of "observations" are required: the first $ n \times 2 $ block contains realizations of $ F_{X_1}(X_1), F_{X_2}(X_2) $ . Let $ k $ denote the number of discrete variables (either one or two). Then the second $ n \times k $ block contains realizations of $ F_{X_k}(X_k^-) $ . The minus indicates a left-sided limit of the cdf. For continuous variables the left limit and the cdf itself coincide. For, e.g., an integer-valued variable, it holds $ F_{X_k}(X_k^-) = F_{X_k}(X_k - 1) $ .

Incomplete observations (i.e., ones with a NaN value) are discarded.

double vinecopulib::Bicop::loglik(const Eigen::MatrixXd& u = Eigen::MatrixXd()) const

Evaluates the log-likelihood.

u An $ n \times (2 + k) $ matrix of observations contained in $(0, 1) $ , where $ k $ is the number of discrete variables.
Returns The log-likelihood evaluated at u.

The log-likelihood is defined as

\[ \mathrm{loglik} = \sum_{i = 1}^n \log c(U_{1, i}, U_{2, i}), \]

where $ c $ is the copula density, see Bicop::pdf().

When at least one variable is discrete, more than two columns are required for u: the first $ n \times 2 $ block contains realizations of $ (F_{X_1}(x_1), F_{X_2}(x_2)) $ . The second $ n \times 2 $ block contains realizations of $ (F_{X_1}(x_1^-), F_{X_2}(x_2^-)) $ . The minus indicates a left-sided limit of the cdf. For, e.g., an integer-valued variable, it holds $ F_{X_1}(x_1^-) = F_{X_1}(x_1 - 1) $ . For continuous variables the left limit and the cdf itself coincide. Respective columns can be omitted in the second block.

double vinecopulib::Bicop::aic(const Eigen::MatrixXd& u = Eigen::MatrixXd()) const

Evaluates the Akaike information criterion (AIC).

u An $ n \times (2 + k) $ matrix of observations contained in $(0, 1) $ , where $ k $ is the number of discrete variables.
Returns The AIC evaluated at u.

The AIC is defined as

\[ \mathrm{AIC} = -2\, \mathrm{loglik} + 2 p, \]

where $ \mathrm{loglik} $ is the log-liklihood (see Bicop::loglik()) and $ p $ is the (effective) number of parameters of the model. The AIC is a consistent model selection criterion even for nonparametric models.

double vinecopulib::Bicop::bic(const Eigen::MatrixXd& u = Eigen::MatrixXd()) const

Evaluates the Bayesian information criterion (BIC).

u An $ n \times (2 + k) $ matrix of observations contained in $(0, 1) $ , where $ k $ is the number of discrete variables.
Returns The BIC evaluated at u.

The BIC is defined as

\[ \mathrm{BIC} = -2\, \mathrm{loglik} + \log(n) p, \]

where $ \mathrm{loglik} $ is the log-liklihood (see Bicop::loglik()) and $ p $ is the (effective) number of parameters of the model. The BIC is a consistent model selection criterion for parametric models.

double vinecopulib::Bicop::mbic(const Eigen::MatrixXd& u = Eigen::MatrixXd(), const double psi0 = 0.9) const

Evaluates the modified Bayesian information criterion (mBIC).

u An $ n \times (2 + k) $ matrix of observations contained in $(0, 1) $ , where $ k $ is the number of discrete variables.
psi0 Prior probability of a non-independence copula.
Returns The mBIC evaluated at u.

The mBIC is defined as

\[ \mathrm{BIC} = -2\, \mathrm{loglik} + p \log(n) - 2 (I \log(\psi_0) + (1 - I) \log(1 - \psi_0), \]

where $ \mathrm{loglik} $ is the \log-liklihood (see Bicop::loglik()), $ p $ is the (effective) number of parameters of the model, and $ \psi_0 $ is the prior probability of having a non-independence copula and $ I $ is an indicator for the family being non-independence.

double vinecopulib::Bicop::parameters_to_tau(const Eigen::MatrixXd& parameters) const

Converts the copula parameters to Kendall's $ tau $ .

parameters The parameters (must be a valid parametrization of the current family).

Eigen::MatrixXd vinecopulib::Bicop::tau_to_parameters(const double& tau) const

Converts a Kendall's $ \tau $ into copula parameters for one-parameter families.

tau A value in $ (-1, 1) $ .

void vinecopulib::Bicop::set_var_types(const std::vector<std::string>& var_types = { "c", "c" })

Sets variable types.

var_types A vector of size two specifying the types of the variables, e.g., {"c", "d"} means first variable continuous, second discrete.