Fitting a vine copula on dataset and sampling from the model
Import the required libraries
import numpy as np
import pyvinecopulib as pv
Simulate some data
np.random.seed(1234) # seed for the random generator
n = 1000 # number of observations
d = 5 # the dimension
mean = 1 + np.random.normal(size=d) # mean vector
cov = np.random.normal(size=(d, d)) # covariance matrix
cov =, cov) # make it non-negative definite
x = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, n)
Fit a model
# Transform copula data using the empirical distribution
u = pv.to_pseudo_obs(x)
# Fit a Gaussian vine
# (i.e., properly specified since the data is multivariate normal)
controls = pv.FitControlsVinecop(family_set=[pv.BicopFamily.gaussian])
cop = pv.Vinecop.from_data(u, controls=controls)
<pyvinecopulib.Vinecop> Vinecop model with 5 variables
tree edge conditioned variables conditioning variables var_types family rotation parameters df tau
1 1 3, 1 c, c Gaussian 0 0.40 1.0 0.26
1 2 2, 1 c, c Gaussian 0 0.67 1.0 0.47
1 3 4, 1 c, c Gaussian 0 -0.61 1.0 -0.42
1 4 1, 5 c, c Gaussian 0 -0.63 1.0 -0.44
2 1 3, 2 1 c, c Gaussian 0 -0.74 1.0 -0.53
2 2 2, 4 1 c, c Gaussian 0 -0.15 1.0 -0.09
2 3 4, 5 1 c, c Gaussian 0 -0.80 1.0 -0.60
3 1 3, 4 2, 1 c, c Gaussian 0 -0.05 1.0 -0.03
3 2 2, 5 4, 1 c, c Gaussian 0 -0.49 1.0 -0.33
4 1 3, 5 4, 2, 1 c, c Gaussian 0 -0.06 1.0 -0.04
Sample from the model
# Sample from the copula
n_sim = 1000
u_sim = cop.simulate(n_sim, seeds=[1, 2, 3, 4])
# Transform back simulations to the original scale
x_sim = np.asarray([np.quantile(x[:, i], u_sim[:, i]) for i in range(0, d)])
# Both the mean and covariance matrix look ok!
[mean, np.mean(x_sim, 1)]
[cov, np.cov(x_sim)]
[array([[ 2.37095772, 1.72011592, 1.34581349, -2.33400987, -3.1412032 ],
[ 1.72011592, 2.77391072, -0.8386675 , -1.94255384, -3.0356469 ],
[ 1.34581349, -0.8386675 , 4.73656299, -1.11520579, -1.00737741],
[-2.33400987, -1.94255384, -1.11520579, 6.17099976, -0.86804342],
[-3.1412032 , -3.0356469 , -1.00737741, -0.86804342, 10.39309954]]),
array([[ 2.22422017, 1.5946634 , 1.44467283, -2.24840034, -2.86432409],
[ 1.5946634 , 2.56490065, -0.64236225, -1.88381331, -2.55280137],
[ 1.44467283, -0.64236225, 4.48378773, -1.21625326, -1.35825765],
[-2.24840034, -1.88381331, -1.21625326, 6.11239488, -1.14967754],
[-2.86432409, -2.55280137, -1.35825765, -1.14967754, 9.93512784]])]