Introduction to the vine copula (Vinecop
Import the libraries
import pyvinecopulib as pv
import numpy as np
A first vine copula
# Specify pair-copulas
bicop = pv.Bicop(pv.BicopFamily.bb1, 90, parameters=np.array([[3.0], [2.0]]))
pcs = [[bicop, bicop], [bicop]]
# Specify R-vine matrix
mat = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 0], [3, 0, 0]])
# Set-up a vine copula
cop = pv.Vinecop.from_structure(matrix=mat, pair_copulas=pcs)
<pyvinecopulib.Vinecop> Vinecop model with 3 variables
tree edge conditioned variables conditioning variables var_types family rotation parameters df tau
1 1 3, 1 c, c BB1 90 3.00, 2.00 2.0 -0.80
1 2 2, 1 c, c BB1 90 3.00, 2.00 2.0 -0.80
2 1 3, 2 1 c, c BB1 90 3.00, 2.00 2.0 -0.80

Showcase some methods
u = cop.simulate(n=10, seeds=[1, 2, 3])
fcts = [
[f(u) for f in fcts]
[array([ 44.67583001, 54.34974545, 29.84989695, 19.18643731,
199.72159236, 944.18332674, 21.78049474, 43.78532554,
9.10911159, 13.39339764]),
array([[0.1638618 , 0.8170847 , 0.12668051],
[0.90118677, 0.11345478, 0.2222099 ],
[0.62193432, 0.12286857, 0.39604429],
[0.6902412 , 0.78638305, 0.37455509],
[0.13685699, 0.10872534, 0.2777274 ],
[0.03952828, 0.35645124, 0.06597532],
[0.48023317, 0.77472657, 0.72886036],
[0.19787956, 0.90877192, 0.60171 ],
[0.85523898, 0.76413881, 0.04961411],
[0.17627362, 0.77807695, 0.03875948]]),
array([[0.1638618 , 0.8728502 , 0.79397093],
[0.90118677, 0.03148971, 0.30865931],
[0.62193432, 0.28213894, 0.46366853],
[0.6902412 , 0.28590505, 0.30879851],
[0.13685699, 0.88594611, 0.84611164],
[0.03952828, 0.97430917, 0.95100319],
[0.48023317, 0.53494551, 0.47865733],
[0.19787956, 0.84458738, 0.75111263],
[0.85523898, 0.10561078, 0.19326385],
[0.17627362, 0.8605475 , 0.77931921]]),
Different ways to fit a copula (when the families and structure are known)…
u = cop.simulate(n=1000, seeds=[1, 2, 3])
# Define first an object to control the fits:
# - pv.FitControlsVinecop objects store the controls
# - here, we only restrict the parametric family
# - see help(pv.FitControlsVinecop) for more details
controls = pv.FitControlsVinecop(family_set=[pv.BicopFamily.bb1])
# Create a new object an select family and parameters by fitting to data
cop2 = pv.Vinecop.from_structure(matrix=mat, pair_copulas=pcs), controls=controls)
# Otherwise, create directly from data
cop2 = pv.Vinecop.from_data(data=u, matrix=mat, controls=controls)
Family set: BB1
Parametric method: mle
Nonparametric method: constant
Nonparametric multiplier: 1
Weights: no
Selection criterion: bic
Preselect families: yes
mBIC prior probability: 0.9
Truncation level: none (default)
Tree criterion: tau
Threshold: 0
Select truncation level: no
Select threshold: no
Select families: yes
Show trace: no
Number of threads: 1
MST algorithm: prim
<pyvinecopulib.Vinecop> Vinecop model with 3 variables
tree edge conditioned variables conditioning variables var_types family rotation parameters df tau
1 1 3, 1 c, c BB1 90 2.93, 2.02 2.0 -0.80
1 2 2, 1 c, c BB1 90 2.98, 2.04 2.0 -0.80
2 1 3, 2 1 c, c BB1 90 2.73, 2.04 2.0 -0.79
<pyvinecopulib.Vinecop> Vinecop model with 3 variables
tree edge conditioned variables conditioning variables var_types family rotation parameters df tau
1 1 3, 1 c, c BB1 90 2.93, 2.02 2.0 -0.80
1 2 2, 1 c, c BB1 90 2.98, 2.04 2.0 -0.80
2 1 3, 2 1 c, c BB1 90 2.73, 2.04 2.0 -0.79
When nothing is known, there are also two ways to fit a copula…
# Create a new object and select strucutre, family, and parameters
cop3 = pv.Vinecop(d=3)
# Otherwise, create directly from data
cop3 = pv.Vinecop.from_data(data=u)
<pyvinecopulib.Vinecop> Vinecop model with 3 variables
tree edge conditioned variables conditioning variables var_types family rotation parameters df tau
1 1 2, 1 c, c BB1 90 2.98, 2.04 2.0 -0.80
1 2 1, 3 c, c BB6 90 1.54, 3.96 2.0 -0.81
2 1 2, 3 1 c, c BB1 270 2.44, 2.09 2.0 -0.78
<pyvinecopulib.Vinecop> Vinecop model with 3 variables
tree edge conditioned variables conditioning variables var_types family rotation parameters df tau
1 1 2, 1 c, c BB1 90 2.98, 2.04 2.0 -0.80
1 2 1, 3 c, c BB6 90 1.54, 3.96 2.0 -0.81
2 1 2, 3 1 c, c BB1 270 2.44, 2.09 2.0 -0.78

C-vine structures
# create a C-vine structure with root node 1 in first tree, 2 in second, ...
cvine = pv.CVineStructure([4, 3, 2, 1])
# specify pair-copulas in every tree
tree1 = [
pv.Bicop(pv.BicopFamily.gaussian, 0, np.array([[0.5]])),
pv.Bicop(pv.BicopFamily.clayton, 0, np.array([[3.0]])),
pv.Bicop(pv.BicopFamily.student, 0, np.array([[0.4], [4]])),
tree2 = [
pv.Bicop(pv.BicopFamily.gaussian, 0, np.array([[0.5]])),
tree3 = [pv.Bicop(pv.BicopFamily.gaussian)]
# instantiate C-vine copula model
cop = pv.Vinecop.from_structure(
structure=cvine, pair_copulas=[tree1, tree2, tree3]
<pyvinecopulib.Vinecop> Vinecop model with 4 variables
tree edge conditioned variables conditioning variables var_types family rotation parameters df tau
1 1 4, 1 c, c Gaussian 0 0.50 1.0 0.33
1 2 3, 1 c, c Clayton 0 3.00 1.0 0.60
1 3 2, 1 c, c Student 0 0.40, 4.00 2.0 0.26
2 1 4, 2 1 c, c Independence 0.00
2 2 3, 2 1 c, c Gaussian 0 0.50 1.0 0.33
3 1 4, 3 2, 1 c, c Gaussian 0 0.00 1.0 0.00