
Bicop.plot(self, type: str = 'surface', margin_type: str = 'unif', xylim: object | None = None, grid_size: object | None = None) None

Generates a plot for the Bicop object.

This method generates a contour or surface plot of the copula density. It can be used to visualize the copula density with different types of margins.

  • plot_type (str (default="contour")) – The type of plot to generate. Either “contour” or “surface”.

  • margin_type (str (default="unif")) – The type of margins to use. Either “unif”, “norm”, or “exp”.

  • xylim (tuple (default=None)) – The limits for the x and y axes. Automatically set if None.

  • grid_size (int (default=None)) – The number of grid points to use. Automatically set if None.


Nothing, the function generates a plot and shows it using matplotlib.


import pyvinecopulib as pv
import numpy as np
cop = pv.Bicop(family=pv.BicopFamily.gaussian, parameters=np.array([[0.5]]))
cop.plot() # surface plot of copula density
cop.plot(plot_type="contour", margin_type="norm") # contour plot with normal margins
cop.plot(plot_type="contour", margin_type="unif") # contour plot of copula density