- Bicop.loglik(self, u: numpy.ndarray[dtype=float64, shape=(*, *), order='F'] = array([], shape=(0, 2), dtype=float64)) float
Evaluates the log-likelihood.
The log-likelihood is defined as
\[\mathrm{loglik} = \sum_{i = 1}^n \log c(U_{1, i}, U_{2, i}),\]where \(c\) is the copula density, see
.When at least one variable is discrete, more than two columns are required for
: the first \(n \times 2\) block contains realizations of \((F_{X_1}(x_1), F_{X_2}(x_2))\). The second \(n \times 2\) block contains realizations of \((F_{X_1}(x_1^-), F_{X_2}(x_2^-))\). The minus indicates a left-sided limit of the cdf. For, e.g., an integer-valued variable, it holds \(F_{X_1}(x_1^-) = F_{X_1}(x_1 - 1)\). For continuous variables the left limit and the cdf itself coincide. Respective columns can be omitted in the second block.- Parameters:
u – An \(n \times (2 + k)\) matrix of observations contained in \((0, 1)\), where \(k\) is the number of discrete variables.
- Returns:
The log-likelihood evaluated at